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Ms.Caron’s Competitive Creators  

March 22, 2018

Class Reporters:  Meagan, Penelope, Aidan and Shae ​


What's Happening? 

This class offers a variety of activities, academic and social help.  We encourage you to find a special way of contributing to our class of creators! As perfection is not achievable, we turn our flaws into humorous memories and use them as  advantages, instead. We're a class that's filled with strength and talent. 

 In our class we’ve recently started relationships with the students at Reach. Our friends joined us for our holiday breakfast party. We also invited the students to come join us for "Current Event" presentations. They introduced our class to yoga and meditation. While these "Current Event" presentations were happening, a student from Reach got inspired to do his own. In our class we started doing a pen pal journal between both classes. 


Did you know that our class hosts a wide variety of lunch time activities such as silly competitions on day 5 and walking around the school on day 7 and day 3? On December 20th, we even held a spa day for the girls in our class (and boys who were interested). We cover a current event almost every day to talk about things that we have heard in the news and find interesting, unjust, pleasant, or anything else! Ms. Caron finds fun and creative ways to teach us the necessary subjects. For example, we recently filmed trailers and made soundtracks for the book "The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen". All of them were absolutely magnificent! We recently finished a chapter on energy in geography class, and Prehistory and Mesopotamia in history. We can't wait to keep on learning more 


Did You Know? 

Did you know that Fernando is a mini Google? He knows everything! Our banner won because of Sam’s talent in art and is almost done the mural in Mr. Guestier’s class. Did you also know that Sofia is a major Gallagher fan and Antoine is an amazing actor? I bet you didn't! Not to mention that Kyla speaks fluent Icelandic and Kayla’s first language is actually Spanish? 

Ms. Goodall's Group Therapy 

March 21, 2018

Link Reporters: Leticia Gonzalez-Thomas, Janelle-Marie Warden-Joseph, and Emily Henry  


What's Happening? 

Ms. Goodall's Group Therapy is the T.A.G Liberal Arts (a.k.a L.A) class of 2018. We're proud to be pros at English, geography and history! Our class is filled with enthusiastic students who always find a way to make learning fun. We all have our own unique personalities which make us a marvelous class. 

Ms.Goodall's class partook in literature circles in the fall. Not only did we read intriguing and interesting books, but we had the chance to talk about our opinions and perspectives on them with other people. We're also working on a huge geography project called Flipped where we're the teachers. 


Names in the News 

We're not only a class, but we are a family! Mawia has a hilarious sense of humor once you get to know her! Leti is the shortest kid in our class and Filippo is the tallest. Dimitra is in love with her dog, Oli. Jennifer and Akifa really like K-Pop, and Ethan and Janelle are fantastic basketball players! Aidan is an amazing singer and was even in the Follies this year! Eden is really outgoing and she and Angelina read books so fast, they're like The Flash. Manahil is the best attendance officer on the planet!  Nicholas has got the grooviest moves you’ve ever seen! Sydney and her head phones, you will never see them apart. Malie always borrows people's sweaters. Leila has the coolest hair ever, and Neila always knows how to reassure people before quizzes and tests when they're feeling stressed. Ava has such luxurious hair, Emily H. is in love with Tom Holland, and Tasha is courageous and always goes first for presentations. Jordan has a huge crush on Shawn Mendes, and Luke is totally "swagalicious" (class inside-joke). Issa won public speaking last term, and Grace is an amazing artist, in visual arts and dance. Ashley is organized like you wouldn’t believe, Emily G. and Lara are incredibly talented at drawing, and Emily F. knows all the best memes. Last but not least, Ms. Goodall somehow manages to teach us what we need to know even when we're annoying! She also gave us permission to write about everyone in the newspaper, so she's pretty awesome. 


Did You Know? 

Our class came in second place for the pumpkin decorating contest for sec. 2! Also, for the door decorations we made a poeTREE featuring all of our wonderful haikus. And did you know that there are only 5 boys in our class out of 28 students?  

Mrs. Coyne’s TaG Team 

March 21, 2018

What’s happening? 

In Ms. Coyne’s 7th grade TaG class, we’ve had many moments to remember in the past two terms. For example, our class creates and laughs at our own corny jokes. We won the door-decorating contest, which was certainly an enlightening experience (not to brag or anything). Our class also presented the classic story A Christmas Carol to four middle school classes and enjoyed watching the sec. 3s act out A Midsummer’s Night Dream. In addition, we reenacted The Outsiders with our own fun little twists (like Dora, nerds, cowboys, and other hilarious themes). We had fun laughing at that, too. 


Names in the News: 

We had many fun, crazy and interesting moments in our class. For example: Amber St James and Katelyn Ford made it in to the Follies and did a fantastic job, Derek Sader asked his dog for advice on how to make grilled cheese and made the tech team. Many students in our class made various sports teams, Sofia Muni raised 90 dollars for the Terry Fox run, and Natalia came in first place for the Spartan Race challenge. Kitrina Hewitt made the curling team; Zackary Rahal made the B-ball team and Amy Rumbolt and Gaby Paiement made the junior play. We’ve certainly had an interesting year so far! 


Fun Facts: 

Many interesting moments have occurred in our humble classroom, like the hilarious responses to poems we read (What’s up with middle school love? –Amber when reading “It’s Raining in Love” or Amy Hnatchuk claiming Tom Holland is her future husband) and we have a student that coughs every time he laughs (even he finds it funny).  

Mr. Lavigne’s Lion Chargers 

March 21, 2018

Link reporters: Farya Hossaini and Juliana Narvaez Gutierrez 

     Many interesting things have occurred in the humble core class of Mr. Lavigne’s Lion-Chargers! First and foremost, our Pyeongchang Olympic class-project is a booming success! Come to the C-Wing to learn interesting facts about Pyeongchang and the Olympic games that are happening there this February. We also won the Intramural soccer-baseball championship for 7th grade.  Two of our classmates, Juliana Narvaez Gutierrez and Farya Hossaini have made it to the volleyball team.  Julius Morgan, Jeremy Karalis and Farya Hossaini are in the basketball finals for the Bantam league. We bet you didn’t know that we have a foreign exchange student from Harbin, China in our class.  Good luck to all middle-school students for Term 3! 

Mr. Dalzell’s Dragon Slayers 

March 21, 2018

What's Happening?  ​

  • The Dragon Slayers learned in History about the Americas before, during and after colonization by Europeans. We also had a competition to prove which European country had the best explorers…. Spain won!   

  • In Geography, we learned about the 1990 Oka Crisis, which helped us understand the challenges faced by Canada’s indigenous people. We watched parts of two great documentaries called “270 Years of Resistance” and “Rocks at Whisky Trench”. You should watch them too! 

  • In English, we wrote short stories using quirky prompts, which was hard at first, but turned out surprisingly well. Now we are reading the book “Wenjack”. It’s a sad story about a boy named Chanie who escaped from a Residential School in the 1950s. 

Did You Know? (Fun Facts!) 

We had a student teacher from McGill, Ms. Arseneau, for over a month in term 2. She studied archaeology before becoming a teacher! 

Mr. Rodgers' Raads! 

March 21, 2018

Link reporter: David Thomas Li 


Hello, readers! We are the diligent, yet very amusing class of the one and only, Mr. Rodgers, and we have quite a story to tell! 

 What's Happening?  

September - We held our heads high as we won 1st place for the middle school banner contest. 

October - We haphazardly ruined our pumpkin with the worst costume imaginable; a fez/ convict with Renaissance glasses. 

December - A whopping 10 of us participated in the Follies through music, dance, or helping out as backstage crew.  

 Did You Know? 

Let’s not forget our casual classroom conversations, which are seldom boring, from mine-finding rats, ‘elite beaver hunters’ in Argentina, to drumstick sandwiches and the reverse aging process of mice that were sewn together. 

Mme Deshaies 

March 21, 2018

Link reporter: Tristan Laurin-Thyriar 

 Réalisation de la classe

Nous nous sommes rendus en final au soccer-baseball contre le groupe de Mme Landry. Remportant ainsi l’argent dans un match déchirant. Nous tenons à souligner que ce fut la seule défaite de la saison car notre équipe était en feu! Malheureusement rendu en final nous nous sommes avoués vaincus avant même que la partie ne commence. 

 Réussites personnelles

  1. Evan Graham a remporté des courses au 800m et 1200m au niveau régional et provincial. 

  1. Emily Laduke a réussi ses examens, se qualifiant comme instructrice de patinage artistique. 

  Pour s’amuser : 

Notre classe participe au concours mais ne gagne jamais ! Peu importe car nous avons eu du plaisir à décorer notre porte pour Noël et la citrouille pour l’Halloween! 

Mme Raymond Rocketeers

March 21, 2018

Cette année dans la classe de Mme Raymond nous avons fait plusieurs activités amusantes. Pour débuter, nous avons participé au concours Donnez au suivant. Cela nous a encouragé à penser aux autres et pour certains comme Shelly, à créer des bracelets à partager grâce à l’atelier de Mme Athanasiou. Notre classe s’est donnée à fond lors de la compétition de soccer-baseball pendant la saison et s’est rendue en semi-finale, nous sommes fiers de vous. Mme Raymond nous a montré comment faire un site web et elle nous a donné des moyens pour mieux réussir dans nos examens.

Nous sommes fiers de nos sportifs et de nos artistes qui s’impliquent. D’abord, Kaitlyn qui fait partie de l’équipe de curling, de badminton et Cross Country, Vito, Jonathan, Dante qui se sont impliqués dans notre équipe de hockey, Meagan qui s’est impliquée au hockey sur gazon, Zakary C. fait partie de l’équipe de volleyball.
De leur côté Sarah, Rebecca et Shelly font partie de <<Color Me Happy>>. Finalement nous félicitons Julian pour son implication dans arrière-scène du spectacle des Follies. Finalement, nous remercions nos artistes qui ont créé cette immense carte de Noël dont nous sommes si fiers.  Nous souhaitons à tous une troisième étape empreinte de belles expérience et de nombreuses réussites.

Ms. Mandigo's Masters

March 21, 2018

What's Happening? 

Here are some note worthy moments  of the Mandigo Masters this year.  In October, we won the pumpkin decorating contest. It was a great team effort. We also were undefeated in soccer baseball at the middle school BBQ in September.   

Did you Know? 

Our favorite activity as a class is  discussing current events. Our class is looking forward to Winter Carnival at Mount Royal in February . 

Mr. Guestier Golden Eagles 

March 21, 2018

Link Reporter:  Hannah Chaabaan 

What's Happening? 

Mr. Guestier's class has been doing some pretty cool stuff this year. We have been working on a cool Egyptian mixed media art project; this allows us to explore ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Our core class is an art focus group which allows us to do cross-curricular projects throughout the year. 

Names in the News 

Adalia Moseley, James Jean and Luca Bailey are part of the school volleyball team and will be competing in their final tournament next month. Wish them luck! 

Did you Know? 

Branden Reeves has an amazing cardio? Well, he placed second in the entire Province of Quebec in the butterfly stroke! And, he broke Centennial’s all time beep record for a grade 7; running a breathtaking 13.6… That’s awesome Branden!  

Daniel Davis, Tabasom Nabizada and Brennen Bruneau should be commended for their continued commitment to success; they are hardworking and are positive examples to all. 

Ms. E’s Experiments

March 21, 2018

What’s happening?

It’s been a busy few months for Ms. E’s Experiments. In History class, we worked on an activity called The Marco Polo trial, which was about whether Marco Polo actually journeyed to China. Even one of our class parents had an opinion on the matter: Marco Polo did experience all of what he said in his book, but back then for entertainment, imitators would exaggerate his stories to make them more entertaining. Apparently, they would make money entertaining people this way, and so up to now we still don’t have the entire story. Our class verdict on the trial will be out soon. Stay tuned! We also are proud to say that we won the Holiday Door Decorating Contest with our Polar Express Door!

Names in the News:

We have excellent athletes in our class. Jessica Navarole and the Giulia Rinaldi are both on the Chargers Volleyball team which has won many games recently. Giulia is also representing us on the Basketball team! Kasey Vivier has made us proud as she is publishing her writing the CRHS Literary Anthology for the very first time.

Did you know?

Damian Dove-Russo scored a 90% on his English exam? Great job! And Alexander Hambrook-McAllister did a great job performing in the Follies. Way to go, Experiments!

Mrs. Barrans' Beelievers

March 21, 2018

What's Happening? 

The Barrans Beelievers are getting ready for the Battle of the Books!  Since the beginning of the year, each of us were assigned two novels to read.  The battle will  initially be against our classmates, and then against other core classes.  Bring it on! 

 Did You Know? 

As well, we have also just finished reading two class novels called, The Monster Calls and The Young Man and the Sea. Both books involved an emotional roller-coaster for the reader and for the protagonists. 

For the last two months we have been exploring poetry and have viewed many Slam Poems...a performing art. As Secondary One students, we will have the opportunity to watch the Secondary II students perform their spoken word poems.  We admire the courage it takes to present them to the student body. 

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